Legacy of Family Affections

Interior Design by Shu-Hui Huang

For the client spending most of time staying abroad, the designer brings out invigorating colors by applying rough texture of concrete and modest lines in this residence. The colors of painting in this residence are mostly in grey, French blue and red, and vermilion so that the client's valuable collection, the so-called Color-field painting, has become the ingenious idea of design in this residence.

The Legacy of Family Affections is an interior design project by Shu-Hui Huang that combines invigorating colors with rough concrete textures and modest lines. The residence, designed for a client who spends most of their time abroad, features a color palette of grey, French blue, red, and vermilion. This color scheme was chosen to complement the client's valuable collection of Color-field paintings, which serve as the inspiration for the design.

The unique properties of this design lie in its ability to function as both a working studio and a private guest house. The client's profession as a weaver and their appreciation for fabric art motivated the designer to incorporate a series of design skills into the space. Customized colorful textiles, remodeled furniture, and a dedicated family reunion area all contribute to making this residence a truly special place.

The realization of this design involved the integration of sentimental elements, such as the client's grandmother's dining table, which has been incorporated into the elaborate decorations of the residence. Turkish carpets and patchworks also add visual interest to the living room and bedroom. The result is a space that reflects the client's personal history and passions.

Spanning 350 square meters, the Legacy of Family Affections project was completed in 2016 in Taiwan. The design research for this project focused on the contemporary industrial style, with exposed air conditioners, track lights, and one-brand furniture being widely appreciated by young family members.

One of the main challenges of this design was integrating traditional and modern elements of beauty. The Hakka printed cloth, in particular, was used as elaborate decorations throughout the space, showcasing the designer's skill in merging these two aesthetics.

The Legacy of Family Affections project was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in 2018 in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category. This prestigious award recognizes well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. The design is respected for its integration of industry best practices and competent technical characteristics, providing fulfillment and positive feelings to contribute to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Shu-Hui Huang
Project Team Members: Shu-Hui Huang
Project Name: Legacy of Family Affections
Project Client: Shu-Hui Huang

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